Marshall AwardThe Marshall Award is given out to at most three KA chapters every year recognizing the best of the best.
We were honored with this recognition in 2016, 2019, 2020, and 2022. A standard of excellence that we strive to uphold. |
Samuel Zenas Ammen AwardNamed after out spiritual founder, the Samuel Zenas Ammen award is given to the top 10-15% of chapters nationwide every year. We received this recognition in 9 of the past 10 years with over 15 total in recent chapter history.
Other Awards for the Previous Year
Project Outreach: Outstanding Dollars Donated Per Man
Excellence in Digital Media Communication
Excellence in Marketing and Advertising
Excellence in Chapter Finance
Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence
Excellence in Correspondence
Scholastic Excellence Award for +3.25 GPA Fall 2020 and Spring 2021
Excellence in Digital Media Communication
Excellence in Marketing and Advertising
Excellence in Chapter Finance
Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for Chapter Excellence
Excellence in Correspondence
Scholastic Excellence Award for +3.25 GPA Fall 2020 and Spring 2021